Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008



Eatrh is water planet. Water covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface. there are oceans and seas all over the world. Men always try to explore the mysterious underwater world to know more abut the oceans and seas.

Sientist who study the ocean are called oceanographers. A marine biologist who studies life in the ocean is an oceanographer. A gelogist who studies the stucture of the earth's crust that lies under the ocean is an oceanographer too.

What are some of the things oceanographers have learned? They learned that part of each of the six continants is under water. This is called a continental shelf. The continental shelf is the shallowest part of the ocean.
The ocean floor or the bottom of the sea looks very much like dry and valleys. It has hills and canyons. the many islands you see in oceans and seas around the world are relly TOPS of very high underwater mountains.

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